Compiled by: Kandiah
A large number of excavated terracotta figurines from Indus valley
civilization are those of a semi-nude figures which is identified with some
female energy or Shakti or Mother Goddess,who is the source of all creation.She
is wearing numerous ornaments and a fan-shaped head dress.Also One depicts a
nude female and her legs apart and a plant issuing from her womb.Some of the
figures are smoke stained,and it is possible that oil or perhaps,incense was
burnt before them in order that the goddess might hearken favourably to
petitions.Hence,It is concluded from these smoke stained female figures that
the people burnt incense before the deity & worshipped her as most of the
tamils still do.

In Dravidian culture Women were free to choose their mates one of
examples is that Surpanakha who offered her love to aryan (Mahapurush) Rama
who directed her to his younger brother Lakshmana.There Aryan and Dravidian
culture clashed and Lakshmana chopped her nose considering she being shameless.Dravidians
were sociable and less aggressive people than others and women enjoyed much
greater freedom than Aryan women,for further example,in revenge of sisters
assault,Ravana,King of Lanka took Sita away from Rama to his kingdom but did
not dare to force her as all scripts say Sita did not have adultery during the
It was once thought that the Aryans were responsible for bringing
civilization to India,and that Dravidian contributions to Hinduism were
negligible,but the utter fallacy of that belief has been revealed by Sir John
Marshall’s excavations at Mohenjo-daro and Harappa.He has conclusively proven
that most of the features of Hinduism date from pre-Aryan sources:the cult of
the Mother Goddess,the cult of Shiva,reverence towards animals,including
bulls,monkeys,and elephants,worship of tree spirits,worship of phallic,yoni,and
aniconic stones [without human attributes] and yoga.The Aryans actually did not
institute Hinduism;they merely modified an ancient form of belief.
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